Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Viva Fiesta

This week is Fiesta in San Antonio, an event commemorating the fallen heroes of the Battle of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto, the latter of which ultimately gave Texas its freedom from Mexico.  It was a brief 18 minute battle, occurring in present-day Harris County, just outside Houston, where the Texians, led by General Sam Houston, defeated the Mexican army and captured General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. 

To review a bit of history, the Battle of the Alamo took place between February 23 and March 6, 1836. After the attack on the Alamo, the Mexican army marched east to the fort at Goliad.  Realizing they were outnumbered, the troops at Goliad surrendered to Santa Anna, only to be taken to a nearby field and shot.  Santa Anna was intent on chasing what remained of the Texian army to the U.S. border.  But the Texians did not relent, and with the battle cries of "Remember Goliad!" and "Remember the Alamo!", they captured Santa Anna and won their independence.

The Battle of San Jacinto took place on April 21, 1836, and for the last 122 years, San Antonio has turned that week into one of the greatest celebrations of carnivals, street fairs, festive parties and parades.  It is one of the largest volunteer efforts in the US, with over 50,000 volunteers from the military and general public, and close to 100 non-profit organizations.  San Antonio has even declared the Friday of Fiesta week a holiday in honor of one of the main parades, the Battle of the Flowers Parade.  Interestingly, this is the only parade in the U.S. to be produced by women, all of whom are volunteers.

I am not in San Antonio this year for Fiesta, but wanted to share some photos of Fiesta past.

King Antonio kicks off the River Parade on Monday night
Confetti flying everywhere
The coronation of the Queen of Fiesta
Palominos at the Battle of Flowers Parade
El Rey Feo con sus aficionados
Fiesta "royalty" 20 years ago today

Remember Boston

It is with heavy heart that I write about celebrations in the wake of the tragedy in Boston.  As a mother, I ache for the victims and their families, and pray for the ones who are left behindIt is a day the country will never forget.

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