Friday, June 26, 2015

Find me now on WordPress at

Good Morning loyal subscribers.  I have switched to WordPress, and that will necessitate that you go to the new website,, and resubscribe under the new format.  It only takes a minute or the right of the page under the "About The Author" (that's me!) column, you will see the box "Subscribe to Blog Via Email".  Enter your email address and hit "Subscribe!"  You will then receive an email from WordPress asking that you verify your email address.  This is only to ensure that it is a valid email address and that you are indeed wanting to subscribe.  Click the link, and you will start receiving my posts again via email.  Please bear with me, and should you have any questions please let me know.  However, this new website should be much easier to work with (at least that is what I keep telling myself as I am trying to relearn it all).

'xo M

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